Sugar, Processed Food, and Obesity – Sugar Is In Everything

It’s increasingly hard to eat less sugar, as market shelves are filled with sugary products. In the past ten years alone, global sugar intake has risen by ten percent. In what’s not the first and surely not the last appeal of the sort, the World Health Organization reports adults and children from the Americas to Western Europe and the Middle East must halve their daily sugar intake to reach acceptable levels. Otherwise the risk of obesity and tooth decay, to name a few, will skyrocket. In terms of daily energy intake, the new guidelines means that people should keep sugar at a maximum of 10% of equivalent energy.

The Case Against Sugar

Sugar is being called the new tobacco. Recent revelations exposed the sugar industry’s backroom cover-up of the harmful effects of this pervasive ingredient. Decades ago scientists were paid thousands of dollars to mislead the public into believing that fat should be avoided, when in fact, sugar causes a multitude of health problems and behavioral issues. Diabetes is more prevalent today than ever before and obesity is at epidemic proportions, especially amongst children. In The Case Against Sugar, science writer Gary Taubes (Why We Get Fat) delves into America’s history with sugar. He explains what research has shown about our addiction to sweets. He clarifies the arguments against sugar, corrects misconceptions about its relationship to weight; and provides perspective for making informed decisions about it.